Mai Rei stress control
Based on my many years of learning and my experience I created the Anti-Anxiety Exercise and called it"Ma'i Rei stress control"
This exercise is used by many of my clients with wonderful results.
Today we live in a time where we encounter many similar situations in our everyday life. Those situations impair our spiritual and physical health
..and surely many techniques are spread around and you have often come across the phrase "it comes from stress - control it".
99% of people think"Yes we know this, but how can we control it"?
Very simple! With this exercise you will succeed in that! It will become your favorite because it works quickly and controls anxiety and stress at the same time it is applied!
Available in Macedonian, Serbian-Croatian, Bulgarian and English.
Ma'i Rei stress control
We all face stressful situations throughout our lives, ranging from minor annoyances like traffic jams to more serious concerns like a loved one's serious illness. Regardless of the cause, stress floods your body with hormones. Your heart is pounding, your breathing quickens, and your muscles tense.
We can't avoid all sources of stress in our lives, but we can develop healthier ways to respond to them.
I want to share an experience of mine with you
The other day I was out with friends on the so-called daily coffee pattern and you know what happened...
A couple started to argue loudly in front of everyone and to make the situation more disturbing, the man started to hit the table in the cafe hard, breaking several glasses.
I noticed how everyone got upset... The woman felt ugly and embarrassed, she looked around... and the man was showing tremendous aggression.
At that same moment, I also got very upset, but I managed to come back to myself...
I was thinking... Like an unpleasant event, it upset everyone who was present... The situation itself inspires me to create an exercise so that people can go through these and similar events in life more easily.